Tire Inspection
At least once a month, inspect your tires, including your spare tire, consisting of an inflation check, tread depth check and a visual search for damage from road hazards, such as scrapes, bulges, cuts, nails, irregular wear, etc. You should also inspect your tires immediately after any known or suspected contact with an object in the road, a pothole, road irregularity or after severe braking. If you detect anything, see a reputable tire service center for repair or replacement and never drive on a damaged tire.
At least once a year, have your tires inspected by a qualified tire service professional to determine whether your tires can continue in service.
Below are some indications that your tires may ben experiencing uneven or excessive wear and you should have them inspected by a reputable tire service center.
Uneven (Single) Shoulder Wear

- The tread on one shoulder of the tire is wearing faster than the other shoulder. This may be present on both tires on the same axle.
- Misalignment (toe or camber)
- Not rotating tires as recommended
- Aggressive driving style.
- Verify proper alignment condition.
- Rotate tires as recommended by Yokohama.
- Adjust driving style.
Uneven (Both) Shoulder Wear

- The tread on both shoulders of the tire are wearing faster than the tread elements in the center of the tire.
- Improper inflation pressure.
- Lack of rotation.
- Maintain appropriate inflation pressures.
- Rotate tires as recommended by Yokohama.

- Local, irregular worn patches around a tire. This may be accompanied by tire noise or vibration.
- Lack of proper rotation.
- Improper inflation pressure.
- Poor tire/wheel assembly balance.
- Worn suspension parts.
- Rotate tires as recommended by Yokohama.
- Maintain proper inflation pressure.
- Verify good mechanical condition of vehicle.
Rapid Wear

- Tires are worn out sooner than expected, with even wear.
- Aggressive driving style.
- Lack of rotation or improper rotation method.
- Unusually abrasive road surfaces.
- Overloading.
- Adjust driving habits.
- Rotate tires as recommended by Yokohama.
- Follow vehicle’s load capacity recommendation.
- Follow vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation on tire size, load index and speed symbol.
Heel-to-Toe Wear

- Tread elements are taller on the front edge than the back edge. This may be accompanied by tire noise or vibration. Aggressive tread patterns may be more susceptible to this condition.
- Lack of rotation or improper rotation method.
- Improper inflation pressure.
- Rotate tires as recommended by Yokohama.
- Maintain proper inflation pressures.
- Reversing the direction of rotation (for non-directional tires) may extend tire life.